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Gerald Green 水彩画艺术作品集

类型: 插画集 已浏览: 198

发布:2018-05-02 05:27:01 更新:2024-09-29 17:30:11

Gerald Green 是一位来自于英国的画家,他的画逆光城市时远景的处理,相信他一定做过大量的写生练习。以上面两图为例,远方的建筑在大图的时候非常潦草,色彩的变化看起来也不明显,但缩小来看的时候,可以感受到建筑的体积感。可见并不是单一几个颜色往画面上刷,即使看不清的细部也会有细微冷暖的变化。

Gerald Green 曾经说过他的作品是对日常生活地点和事件的印象出发,1986年他放弃了建筑师的职业生涯开始了绘画生活,他的作品曾在欧洲、美国、中国参展。

In 1986 British artist Gerald Green relinquished his career as an architect to follow his passion for painting. He is represented by a number of commercial galleries in the UK and has exhibited with several London Art Societies, together with being a finalist in a variety of National Arts Competitions. His work has been shown in Europe, USA and in 2010 he was an invited artist for the inaugural International Watercolour Biennial in China.

He has undertaken numerous commissions for National and International Property Development Companies. A published author, Gerald's work features in 9 books and for several years he has been a regular contributor to arts magazines.He has appeared on television and taken part in radio interviews about his work.
