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类型: 摄影 已浏览: 247

发布:2017-02-23 14:42:17 更新:2024-09-29 19:18:28

电子游戏与现实生活创意摄影集是有摄影师Aled Lewis通过混搭的场景模式来拍摄的一组作品,把游戏中的经典场景与现实生活中的场景融合在一起。猜猜看你熟悉的经典电子游戏!

A mash-up of video game characters and photographic scenes. As a kid I would become completely immersed in there crude pixel environments and they would seem very real! I thought it would be fun to try to express how gamers see these worlds. I spent many hours gaming with my siblings and friends when I was growing up and this aesthetic has really come to represent that time.
