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更新:2024-07-06 10:08:30


Cinephilia图片  Cinephilia是什么网站?电影评论迷影(cinephilia.net)是中国的一家专业文化网站。



CINEPHILIA.NET is an independent Chinese film website founded by Xubin ZHU, a Chinese film critic currently based in Denmark.

Since its launching in January, 2010, the website has quickly established itself as one of the most professional and important Chinese-language film websites. The website has attracted both renowned young film scholars and grass-root critics, as well as the best journalists from other media.

After its launch, CINEPHILIA has cooperated with major Chinese media and sent film critics and journalists to attend many filmfestival:

网站说明:Cinephilia(CINEPHILIA)于2015-06-20 06:52:55发布收录在中国文化类型中,目前已有204人/次喜欢或浏览。本网页并非“Cinephilia”官网,页面内容是由好国外网站编录于网络,仅供参考展示之用;【好国外网站】与“Cinephilia”无任何关系,对于“电影评论迷影网”网站中信息,请谨慎辨识其真伪。