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更新:2024-07-03 11:07:01


DavisCup图片  DavisCup是什么网站?戴维斯杯球公开赛(pho.to)是美国的一家知名体育网站。



在1899年时,美国哈佛大学的四个网球队成员提出与英国进行网球赛的构想,这四人中的其中一人Dwight F. Davis策划了比赛的赛制并且自己出钱买了奖杯。1900年,第一场戴维斯杯比赛于美国波士顿举行,之后逐渐发展成有全世界大量国家参赛的比赛。

戴维斯杯(Davis Cup)为世界上极受瞩目的国家对国家的男子网球团体赛事。是国际网球总会所负责组织的赛事。赛事于一年中的分散的数个星期、于许多地点举行,每年产生一个戴维斯杯总冠军。2006年时共有133个国家参赛,而2007年则共有137个国家参赛。

Davis Cup by BNP Paribas is the largest annual international team competition in world sport.

This prestigious event, which is one of the cornerstones of the tennis calendar, gives players the chance to represent their country in an otherwise individual sport.

Founded by Dwight Davis in 1900, Davis Cup began as a challenge match between USA and British Isles, which was held at the Longwood Cricket Club in Boston.

Davis himself played in the inaugural Davis Cup tie, steering his country to the first of many title victories. USA has won the Davis Cup 32 times - more than any other nation.

From its inception, Davis Cup has attracted the top players of each generation, from former legends such as Fred Perry, Bill Tilden, Rene Lacoste, Rod Laver and John McEnroe to latter day stars such as Boris Becker, Stefan Edberg, Pete Sampras, Andre Agassi, Lleyton Hewitt, Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal.

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