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更新:2024-07-03 20:02:50


DesignCoding图片  DesignCoding是什么网站?数学设计研究博客(www.designcoding.net)是美国的一家免费博客网站。

数学设计(Design Codin)是一个致力于数学和创意设计融合在一起的研究博客,包括几何设计实验、参数化建模、数字化制作和数字与艺术相关的问题,这也是用于早期设计教育的教学方法实验室。


Information Age has been shaping architecture, shifting its theoretical and practical foundations. However we call this as a paradigm shift or not, this process leads architecture to certain transformations.

Design computing in architecture is evolved enough to form a more spread out advance, instead of being an alternative or experimental way of thinking and practising. Besides, contemporary architecture practice is beginning to push forward such transformation.

This effects education that is beginning to focus on digital design paradigm especially at undergraduate level, not only in experimental cases, but also in formal curriculums. Design studios play an important role on this transformation.

Digital design studios are beginning to transform into a pedagogically more established setups with clear aims, explicit methods and practical outputs.

Although the conception of digital architecture and the idea of reciprocal transformation between design tools and cognitive domains of designing is generally recognized, there is no concensus on how these transformations and conceptions should be handled in education.

网站说明:DesignCoding(DESIGNCODING)于2017-12-19 13:39:42发布收录在美国博客类型中,目前已有223人/次喜欢或浏览。本网页并非“DesignCoding”官网,页面内容是由好国外网站编录于网络,仅供参考展示之用;【好国外网站】与“DesignCoding”无任何关系,对于“数学设计研究博客”网站中信息,请谨慎辨识其真伪。