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更新:2024-07-06 09:45:06


TheSelby图片  TheSelby是什么网站?创意家居摄影分享(streamable.com)是美国的一个领先的摄影网站。

TheSelby:创意家居摄影分享网是有美国纽约的摄影师Todd Selby创办的网站,旨在用他很艺术细腻的摄影手段,探访和记录世界各地创意工作人的家和他们生活环境。


从2008年6月开始,Selby像猎人一般出没于纽约、洛杉矶、费城、墨西哥城、伦敦、巴黎以及悉尼等城市,用镜头拍摄了上百位创意人士的家,包 括设计师、画家、建筑师、歌手、导演等等,其中有纽约新锐华裔设计师Alexander Wang、REM乐队主唱Michael Stipe、著名平面设计师Mike Mills等的家。这些家个个创意十足,连缀起来,就形成了全球最具创意的家庭景观。

Todd Selby is a portrait, interiors, journalist and fashion photographer and illustrator. His project The Selby offers an insider’s view of creative individuals in their personal spaces with an artist’s eye for detail. The Selby began in June 2008 as a website, theselby.com, where Todd posted photo shoots he did of his friends in their homes. Requests quickly began coming in daily from viewers all over the world who wanted their homes to be featured on the site. The Selby’s website became so influential — with up to 100,000 unique visitors daily—that within months, top companies from around the world began asking to collaborate.

网站说明:TheSelby(STREAMABLE)于2014-05-17 06:17:12发布收录在美国摄影类型中,目前已有189人/次喜欢或浏览。本网页并非“TheSelby”官网,页面内容是由好国外网站编录于网络,仅供参考展示之用;【好国外网站】与“TheSelby”无任何关系,对于“创意家居摄影分享网”网站中信息,请谨慎辨识其真伪。