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更新:2024-07-06 07:53:58


HairRoMance图片  HairRoMance是什么网站?浪漫发型创意设计分享(hola.org)是美国的一个专业女性网站。




Hi! I’m Christina and welcome to my Hair Romance.

There are so many things I love about life, but hair is definitely high on my list. But what else is there, I hear you ask. Very good question. There’s writing lists, of course (there are few things that feel better than ticking a to-do list) but I also love photography, travel, languages, shopping, and of course my amazing husband, Jim (I had to say that because, in spite of having no hair, he reads Hair Romance all the time!).

I never used to love my hair, in fact I hated it! My love of hair started the same time I met my husband. I met him and my hairdresser in the same street and two romances that would change my life forever started there.

Since then I have had more haircuts than I care to think of, from close-cropped brilliant white with a pink fringe to footballer’s-wife dead straight, long and blonde. The white and pink number was an effort to distract me while I was trying to grow it. When I chose the colour, my hairdresser said ‘no, sweetie, that’s not a colour, that’s clear.’ I did it anyway.

Hair Romance was in fact born from having all those haircuts. I had a job in a big company where I became famous for never wearing my hair the same way twice. People would come from other departments, sometimes other floors to look at what I had done that day. At first I was indignant. I wanted to be known for how well I did my job, not for my hair. However, in 2010 I decided to embrace it and so began my online odyssey. The job didn’t survive though!

Since then Hair Romance has gone from strength to strength – as have all things hair; after all, it is all about the hair! I was so proud to be featured in Vogue Australia Online, Style Icons and Instyle Hair Magazine and launching my ebook based on the popular 30 Hairstyles in 30 Days challenge.

I also love living here in my hometown of Sydney, Australia. There are so many great things about this city; the beaches, the bars, the parks, and I suppose the weather’s not too bad either. It can be humid so I am always looking for miracle products to cure my frizzy hair.

I believe your hair is your best accessory and you should love your hair. Don’t forget to have fun with your hair too!

网站说明:HairRoMance(HOLA)于2015-09-25 19:15:56发布收录在美国女性类型中,目前已有193人/次喜欢或浏览。本网页并非“HairRoMance”官网,页面内容是由好国外网站编录于网络,仅供参考展示之用;【好国外网站】与“HairRoMance”无任何关系,对于“浪漫发型创意设计分享网”网站中信息,请谨慎辨识其真伪。