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更新:2024-09-29 02:16:04


BookVibe图片  BookVibe是什么网站?社交化书籍推荐平台(www.bookvibe.com)是美国的一家优质文化网站。




BookVibe digs through your Twitter stream to show you books being discussed by your friends (the people you follow). We have bought a ton of books ourselves from our friends’ book streams and we hope that you will enjoy seeing what books your friends are talking about. We compile this for you on one handy page and send out a weekly email digest highlighting books from your book stream. Please subscribe today. You can unsubscribe any time, but we don’t think that you will want to ;-)

One other fun thing you can do is check out the book stream of any of your friends, politicians or celebrities on Twitter. It’s as easy as popping their Twitter handle at the end of this link http://www.bookvibe.com/people/ BookVibe is a beta, so please let us know if you have any comments, suggestions, or bug reports for us. We are fine tuning constantly.

网站说明:BookVibe(BOOKVIBE)于2014-08-12 08:54:40发布收录在美国文化类型中,目前已有234人/次喜欢或浏览。本网页并非“BookVibe”官网,页面内容是由好国外网站编录于网络,仅供参考展示之用;【好国外网站】与“BookVibe”无任何关系,对于“社交化书籍推荐平台”网站中信息,请谨慎辨识其真伪。