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国家: 美国 类型: 商业 浏览:

更新:2024-07-04 00:23:24


RockeTrip图片  RockeTrip是什么网站?企业员工礼券福利服务(www.rocketrip.com)是美国的一个优秀商业网站。




要出差的员工只需在 Rocketrip 上选定出差线路后,Rocketrip 便会根据公司的差旅标准,以及目前交通与宾馆的平均市场价格生成预算。接着员工可以自己去订交通工具和旅馆,最后将收据传给 Rocketrip 的邮箱,其中员工实际产生的差旅费用比 Rocketrip 算法生成的预算低的部分便算此次出差节约的金额。然后,Rocketrip 会根据员工节省的金额返给其点数,员工可以根据点数兑换现金和礼品代金券。

As your organization grows, managing T&E costs becomes increasingly critical. Rocketrip enlists your employees as engaged partners in managing your company travel expenses.

The "spend money as if it were your own" mantra weakens as employee headcount grows and corporate culture sets in. By providing employees with appropriate incentives, the Rocketrip platform helps reduce cost and improves employee culture.

Smart algorithms calculate price limits based on fair market prices in real time and employees are rewarded for beating" our limits. Rocketrip provides a suite of advanced reporting capabilities and powers redemption directly with your employees.

网站说明:RockeTrip(ROCKETRIP)于2020-02-04 05:35:43发布收录在美国商业类型中,目前已有219人/次喜欢或浏览。本网页并非“RockeTrip”官网,页面内容是由好国外网站编录于网络,仅供参考展示之用;【好国外网站】与“RockeTrip”无任何关系,对于“企业员工礼券福利服务网”网站中信息,请谨慎辨识其真伪。