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更新:2024-07-06 08:56:54


Artcorgi图片  Artcorgi是什么网站?绘画委托创作交易平台(artcorgi.com)是美国的一家专业创意网站。

Artcorgi:绘画委托创作交易平台是一个可以让普通用户定制自己喜欢的绘画作品的线上交易平台,既允许用户表达自己的意志,又让画师保持个性独创性。ArtCorgi 支持第三方担保交易,让买家和卖家都可以方便的进行交易。


绘画是表达个人意志的一种手段,但很多人却没这种才能,同时也看不上大规模生产的纯商业画,找大师给你画画儿这想法纯属 YY,画作委托创作交易平台ArtCorgi就是解决那些想要拥有自己梦境中的虚幻变为真实的真实存在。

一方面设计师会在 ArtCorgi 平台上上传自己的代表作品,用户根据绘画种类(钢笔、水彩、数字矢量图等)、主题、价格等设置定制作品。另一方面,ArtCorgi 还提供了一定的协商机制,用户可以在特定画师页面上传参考作品,对颜色、感情色彩、衣服、姿势、搭配元素进行细节描述,画作用途也需讲清楚,如电脑桌面、手机壁纸、贺卡等。而后 ArtCorgi 会把画师创作的 草图给用户过目,如果用户觉得不够达意还可及时做出修改(不过为节省时间仅此一次)。其实用户买到的只是作品的数字版,不过 ArtCorgi 也可对接供打印服务。

不过不排除某些用户在成品出来之后,坚持认为作品跟商定的简直面目全非,这时 ArtCorgi 会把该画作交给网络内由其他 5 名艺术家组成的评审组做出决定。

但不得不考虑的一个顾虑是,有些画师基本处于隐形状态,常年不接活儿,这自然就增加了用户找到合适画师的成本,因此对于这样极不活跃的画师,ArtCorgi 将会将他们封杀,这样交易成功的机率就会大很多。


ArtCorgi makes it easy to discover and commission work from up-and-coming artists with minimal hassle and risk. Our process is designed to give you exactly what you want while also letting artists maintain creative control and expand their portfolios.

We created ArtCorgi to empower everyday people to commission unique art as gifts for friends, colleagues, and family (not to mention themselves!) with minimal hassle and maximum enjoyment, and to aid up-and-coming artists in their careers, helping them gain more coverage, new clients and fans, and fair payment for their work. Think of ArtCorgi as your friendly artist and client liaison. ArtCorgi delivers a safe, fun, and fair experience for all parties involved.

Using ArtCorgi, you can commission work from artists based on specific samples and styles of their work. This enables you to have a much better understanding of what you’ll get in return, and gives artists maximum control (though you’ll still be given a rough sketch to approve and comment on).

We are oriented around digital-only commissions, meaning you are only given digital files of the work your artist creates, regardless of whether it was made digitally or using physical media. With digital files at your disposal, you can easily order canvas prints, cards, posters, or shirts from the vendor of your choice at minimal cost (though we also offer limited print options). You can also easily convert your commissions into desktop and phone backgrounds, screensavers, profile images, and social media cover graphics.

网站说明:Artcorgi(ARTCORGI)于2021-05-02 01:57:20发布收录在美国创意类型中,目前已有206人/次喜欢或浏览。本网页并非“Artcorgi”官网,页面内容是由好国外网站编录于网络,仅供参考展示之用;【好国外网站】与“Artcorgi”无任何关系,对于“绘画委托创作交易平台”网站中信息,请谨慎辨识其真伪。