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国家: 美国 类型: 图片 浏览:

更新:2024-07-02 23:47:32


ShutterSong图片  ShutterSong是什么网站?基于图片的背景音乐生成平台(www.shuttersong.com)是美国的一家优质图片网站。



Shuttersong公司的创始人William Agush表示,他们创造了一种全新的表达媒介,填补了静态图片和视频之间的空白,这样用户就可以进行自由创作,比如会唱歌的明信片。



While cleaning out his office last summer, Shuttersong’s founder William Agush discovered a photo of his son taken in 1995 in a frame with a button marked play. Upon pressing it, there was the voice of his son from 18 years ago, clear as day. The idea behind Shuttersong was born.

Simpler than video, richer than photos, Shuttersong® lets you effortlessly combine digital images with sound and share them everywhere. Use Shuttersong to photograph a moment in time and add its soundtrack by selecting a song clip from your music library or recording live voice or sound through your phone. Then, share your Shuttersong with family, friends and colleagues through social networks, email, or text. Shuttersong also works with existing photos in your library and images from the web, so you can create infinite image + sound combinations.

As Shuttersongs are based on standard JPEG files, they are incredibly easy to share and view – in the app or on the web – and can even be embedded into web pages and blog posts. The patent-pending technology joins the image and audio into a single photo file that can be viewed or printed just like a normal high-quality JPEG.

网站说明:ShutterSong(SHUTTERSONG)于2020-04-13 18:04:04发布收录在美国图片类型中,目前已有211人/次喜欢或浏览。本网页并非“ShutterSong”官网,页面内容是由好国外网站编录于网络,仅供参考展示之用;【好国外网站】与“ShutterSong”无任何关系,对于“基于图片的背景音乐生成平台”网站中信息,请谨慎辨识其真伪。