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国家: 美国 类型: 女性 浏览:

更新:2024-07-06 08:18:06


ShesAhomeWrecker图片  ShesAhomeWrecker是什么网站?她是家庭破坏者曝光(shesahomewrecker.com)是美国的女性网站。

ShesAhomeWrecker:她是家庭破坏者曝光网是美国的一个专门曝光第三者的网站,在社交网络 Facebook 上已获赞近25万次。这家网站鼓励受到伤害的女性曝光第三者的身份,并且详细描述事情的原委。







They say if you can’t beat them join them, but we say if you can’t beat them, EXPOSE them! Shesahomewrecker.com is exposing everyone from the Hollywood Homewrecker to the average white picket fence destroying women who just can’t seem to let go of your husbands and boyfriends! Do you have a story to share or a HOMEWRECKER to expose? If so, click the Expose Homewrecker button via the website. Don’t forget to include photos! We LOVE to publish pictures of the Mistress who is driving you mad!

The content of all posts and comments on Shesahomewrecker.com represent the opinions of the original poster and are not endorsed, approved or representations of the opinions of Shesahomewrecker.com or its owners. This site may contain adult language and adult concepts. If you are offended by the content please do not visit Shesahomewrecker.com. Shesahomewrecker.com is all about gossip and satire. The content of the posts and comments published contain rumors, speculation, assumptions, factual information and opinions. Some posts or comments may contain inaccurate or erroneous information. Discerning the validity of information, whether found here or elsewhere, is the responsibility of the individual.

网站说明:ShesAhomeWrecker(SHESAHOMEWRECKER)于2014-09-07 01:38:26发布收录在美国女性类型中,目前已有188人/次喜欢或浏览。本网页并非“ShesAhomeWrecker”官网,页面内容是由好国外网站编录于网络,仅供参考展示之用;【好国外网站】与“ShesAhomeWrecker”无任何关系,对于“她是家庭破坏者曝光网”网站中信息,请谨慎辨识其真伪。