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更新:2024-07-03 22:13:15


Happify图片  Happify是什么网站?在线幸福心理教学平台(www.happify.com)是美国的一个专业生活网站。




网站上的活动听起来可能不切实际又无趣,但 Happify 的做法确实是有积极心理学理论基础作支撑的。研究者们发现,幸福其实是一项技能,人们可以学习它,而我们将会帮助大家获得这些幸福技能。

Leidner 称 25 年的研究结果显示,幸福人生的五大关键点是专注、感恩、热情、给予和同情。每个人在 Happify 网站上都会有这五个属性,通过参加活动你可以给各项属性加分。

Leidner 对 Happify 的未来很有信心,他指出每年 Google 统计到 2.5 亿次关键词有关幸福的搜索,亚马逊上讨论幸福的书籍超过 23000 本,如果人们接受幸福是一项技能这个前提, Happify 将很有前景。





Our vision is to use cutting-edge science and innovative technology to empower individuals to lead happier, more fulfilling lives.

Happify was founded in New York City in 2012 by Tomer Ben-Kiki, Ofer Leidner, and Andy Parsons—three serial entrepreneurs united by a belief that technology should be used to make peoples' lives better. A few years ago, we learned about the field of positive psychology—the scientific study of what makes people thrive and lead meaningful lives. The findings had enormous, life-changing potential—so why didn't more people know about it? With our expertise in gaming and technology, we realized we had a unique opportunity to bring the science to life in a fun, engaging way that could help people everywhere live more fully.

At Happify, we’re taking a 21st-century approach to building a well-lived life. We now know that happiness is a skill that can be strengthened—and we want to make the benefits of scientific discovery readily available and usable by you in an interactive way. In a world that's increasingly stressful and complex, we want to provide fun, individualized, and science-based pathways to greater happiness. Above all, we're here to empower you to take control of your emotional life—and we're giving you the tools to do it.

网站说明:Happify(HAPPIFY)于2018-10-14 14:59:22发布收录在美国生活类型中,目前已有186人/次喜欢或浏览。本网页并非“Happify”官网,页面内容是由好国外网站编录于网络,仅供参考展示之用;【好国外网站】与“Happify”无任何关系,对于“在线幸福心理教学平台”网站中信息,请谨慎辨识其真伪。