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更新:2024-10-05 08:16:13


TagTivate图片  TagTivate是什么网站?社会化新闻推送订阅(www.tagtivate.com)是美国的一家知名新闻网站。




TAGtivate本质上是一个社会化搜索利用互联网中的公共数据平台通过订阅知名的目标内容来源,排名来筛选不相关的内容,通过TAGtivate TAGbot抓取和分析目标来源的所有文章,并指定哈希标签同时使用社会化排名的算法。让用户充整个互联网中获取最佳的阅读资源。

TAGtivate is essentially a Social Search Engine platform which takes advantage of the huge amounts of public data lying around on Social Networks and other qualified sources to organize, rank, and deliver contents to users. TAGtivate’s TAGbot crawls through and analyses all posts made on the aforementioned sources and assigns a set of hash-tags to them for organization, while using social metrics to rank the contents.

TAGtivate is a new breed of Search Engines which morphs together the concept of traditional search engines and social networks to allow you to view socially curated contents from all across the web. You can keep track of different topics by simply following the corresponding hashtags. We'll help you stay up to date with the always evolving trends on the web!

网站说明:TagTivate(TAGTIVATE)于2014-02-23 03:06:13发布收录在美国新闻类型中,目前已有186人/次喜欢或浏览。本网页并非“TagTivate”官网,页面内容是由好国外网站编录于网络,仅供参考展示之用;【好国外网站】与“TagTivate”无任何关系,对于“社会化新闻推送订阅网”网站中信息,请谨慎辨识其真伪。