美国Complex杂志官方网站,Complex杂志由Marc Ecko始创于2002年,是面向年轻男子的时尚与生活杂志。这个杂志为主流读者提供特定文化领域的最前沿信息,例如波鞋文化,街头装束文化,嘻哈音乐文 化及平片设计等。
Complex杂志每月发行量约30万,目标读者是年龄从大学生至35岁左右的都市男子。用户可以通过其SkyDrive服务阅读Complex杂志的6/7月刊了,有人称之为独一无二的SkyDrive/媒体合作。有史以来第一次,Complex Magazine正在SkyDrive上发布其6/7月刊的数字版,正如在此所见。这个合作展示了SkyDrive是如何走在创新科技的前端。这种方式是公司和主流媒体利用个人cloud为他们的顾客和读者创造更好的体验。
Complex Magazine 主要栏目时尚新闻、音乐、流行文化、体育、城市指南、艺术+设计、互联网资讯、游戏视频等。
Complex is a young men's style/lifestyle magazine founded by Marc Ecko in 2002. The publication offers mainstream readers insight into the latest trends in niche cultures, such as streetwear, sneaker culture, hip hop, and graphic art. Complex targets men that are college-aged to early 30s in urban/metropolitan areas.
By 2005, the magazine had a monthly circulation of approximately 300,000; however, that circulation number is likely highly inflated as the magazine is sent to people who have never subscribed and it is difficult to get them to stop sending you the magazine. The maganize is rated "F" by the Better Business Bureau for failure to respond to consumer complaints; mainly involving sending the magazine to people unrequested and not stopping delivery when requested.
网站说明:美国Complex杂志网(COMPLEX)于2014-02-17 09:23:49发布收录在美国杂志类型中,目前已有255人/次喜欢或浏览。本网页并非“美国Complex杂志网”官网,页面内容是由好国外网站编录于网络,仅供参考展示之用;【好国外网站】与“美国Complex杂志网”无任何关系,对于“”网站中信息,请谨慎辨识其真伪。