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更新:2024-07-03 22:27:04


7CupSoftea图片  7CupSoftea是什么网站?在线心理倾诉治愈平台(www.7cupsoftea.com)是美国的一个权威生活网站。




7 CUPS OF TEA(7杯茶)提供的服务介于家人和朋友与医生之间,7 CUPS OF TEA可为用户提供一个训练有素的积极听众。用户可以免费使用这项服务,如果愿意付钱也可以。如果用户支付了费用,7 CUPS OF TEA将收取40%的佣金。7 CUPS OF TEA上线已经八个星期了,目前该平台上拥有160个积极听众,每个星期处理1800个倾听请求。

7 Cups of Tea is an online emotional heath and well-being support service where people go when they need to talk to someone or need extra emotional support. We provide this emotional support through a network of trained Active Listeners who are standing by, ready to lend an ear when in need.

Our listeners come from all walks of life, and have diverse experiences. Our service makes connecting to a listener easy and convenient, while remaining completely anonymous. We use a secure bridging technology to make the connection, so neither the caller or listener’s phone number is revealed.

Unlike talking to family or friends, a 7 Cups of Tea listener doesn’t judge or try to solve problems and say what to do. Our listeners just listen. They understand. They provide empathic support.

Unlike expensive therapy, 7 Cups of Tea is convenient and affordable. There are no commitments and no time limits. Anyone can connect as little or as often as they like.

网站说明:7CupSoftea(7CUPSOFTEA)于2020-10-20 03:47:07发布收录在美国生活类型中,目前已有208人/次喜欢或浏览。本网页并非“7CupSoftea”官网,页面内容是由好国外网站编录于网络,仅供参考展示之用;【好国外网站】与“7CupSoftea”无任何关系,对于“在线心理倾诉治愈平台”网站中信息,请谨慎辨识其真伪。