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BerryReview图片  BerryReview是什么网站?黑莓手机粉丝爱好者社区(www.berryreview.com)是美国的一家免费手机网站。




BlackBerry品牌由黑莓公司(原名Research in Motion,简称RIM)公司开发,通过移动电话网络提供信息。一些大型企业提供BlackBerry予其行政人员及其他雇员使用,以便他们随时随地收发电邮。

BlackBerry亦为其他品牌的移动电话及个人数码助理推出BlackBerry Connect软件,提供推动式电子邮件服务。

BlackBerry是RIM公司提供的一套完整的端到端的无线移动解决方案,个人和企业用户可以通过该方案,将最新的重要信息(Email,Address book,Calendar等)和重要数据(报告,报表等)适时、主动的通过无线方式推送到用户的BlackBerry专用终端上,使用户时刻得到最新的信息和资料。这套解决方案包括硬件(BlackBerry专用终端)和软件,通常说的黑莓手机只是该解决方案的硬件部分。政府客户更可选择端对端加密方案,例如AES。

At BerryReview you will find the most up to date information on how to maximize your BlackBerry Device. Whether it be from usage to third party applications, the BerryReview Team is dedicated to helping BlackBerry users in all aspects of BlackBerry use.

Ronen is an avid BlackBerry addict who must always have the latest and greatest toys. His goal in creating BerryReview.com was to force others to listen to opinions create a site which caters both to the casual & hardcore BlackBerry user base. Ronen has owned and used practically every BlackBerry device that has been released since 2005. He is a great ‘boss’ and extremely easy going and his dedication and hard work to giving our readers the ultimate in BlackBerry news and reviews is admirable to say the least. He’s the guy that started it all here off the couch in his tiny Manhattan apartment.

网站说明:BerryReview(BERRYREVIEW)于2013-10-21 08:19:27发布收录在美国手机类型中,目前已有210人/次喜欢或浏览。本网页并非“BerryReview”官网,页面内容是由好国外网站编录于网络,仅供参考展示之用;【好国外网站】与“BerryReview”无任何关系,对于“黑莓手机粉丝爱好者社区”网站中信息,请谨慎辨识其真伪。