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更新:2024-07-06 08:07:47


QuotesCover图片  QuotesCover是什么网站?励志名言壁纸自定义制作工具(quotescover.com)是美国的一家权威工具网站。



QuotesCover turns any ordinary saying texts into a beautiful typography art picture for use on Facebook, Google Plus, E-Cards, Wallpapers, and Prints.

One way to make any texts message or saying more memorable is by making it "eye-catchy". But, designing is a complex process. It involves things like typography, shapes, color combination, composition etc. Our applications simplify this process. You can get beautiful design only in a couple of clicks.


A friend of mine recently made the comment that he was amazed that so many of his friends were 'ardent philosophers' given the amount of life affirming memes and quotations that they were posting these days. A little cynical perhaps, but there's no doubt that many of us have taken to using other people's words to try to find the appropriate ways to express our thoughts. Quotes Cover takes that concept one step further by providing the whole package of quotes, graphics and typography so you to create beautiful, wordy art to illustrate your social network page.

It seems everyone, apart from my friend, has fallen in love with the idea of using famous quotations or life-affirming prose to get their message across these days. Somehow, they seem to have a lot more power and punch when dressed up in an attractive package than just typing out your words on your social network's status update.

Quotes Cover certainly is one of the better ways to make your text messages and positive quotations look even more beautiful, powerful and memorable - not to mention making them much more eyecatching. But, designing is a complex process and involves things like typography, shapes, color combinations and composition etc. which is not the sort of thing that many of us excel in. But, this Facebook design application simplifies the process by helping you create beautifully designed quotation-based art pictures - literally in a couple of clicks. QuotesCover.com transforms any ordinary saying or texts into a beautiful typography art picture for use on Facebook, Google Plus, E-Cards, wallpapers and prints.

It's kinda true what my friend was suggesting. While acquaintances tend not to wax lyrical when out at a bar, it has become de rigor to get ones true feelings across with inspirational quotes and witty sayings via your social networks.

quotes cover is an easy to use and quick way of creating a cool and nicely designed timeline cover that works in conjunction with an app we reviewed a while back - TimelineCoverBanner. This means that you can use your previously created covers and place your inspirational words over your favorite pictures. Quotes Cover is a fast, free and easy way of showing your more sensitive side.

网站说明:QuotesCover(QUOTESCOVER)于2021-05-29 00:24:47发布收录在美国工具类型中,目前已有200人/次喜欢或浏览。本网页并非“QuotesCover”官网,页面内容是由好国外网站编录于网络,仅供参考展示之用;【好国外网站】与“QuotesCover”无任何关系,对于“励志名言壁纸自定义制作工具”网站中信息,请谨慎辨识其真伪。