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更新:2024-07-08 17:22:06


Grades.io图片  Grades.io是什么网站?在线课堂教学管理平台(grades.io)是美国的一个知名教育网站。

Grades.io:在线课堂教学管理平台是一个帮助教师让课堂管理更直观、高效,课堂管理软件,由Arlton Lowry和Shane Reustle历经6个月的时间开发出来的面向大学老师和教授的课堂管理软件。


Grades.io 是一款 Web App,它的主要功能是提升老师管理课堂的效率。在录入基本的课程信息,添加完学生的基本信息之后,老师可以通过 Grades.io 记录学生的出席、缺席、迟到等情况,同时也可发布作业,设定期限,并最后记录每个学生的分数情况,当然老师也可直接给学生群发消息。

免费用户可在 Grades.io 上免费开设一个课堂,若想同时开设更个课堂 (没有上限),Grades.io 会收取 5 美元 / 月的费用,这也是目前主要的盈利模式。Grades.io 并不会盲目的增加新的功能,而是从老师和教授的实际需求出发。目前只面向大学老师,未来还会增加对中小学以及教育机构的支持。

Our Story

We're a team of creative and development professionals that love creating beautiful web applications that people enjoy using. We're also very passionate about education. That's why we created Grades.io.

Grades.io is a product of us recognizing a need in the education field for a simple, easy-to-use solution for educators to grade their students, manage their assignments, and organizer their classes. We came to this idea through being teachers ourselves. We've taught in university, as well as, community-driven educational settings. We know, and understand, the woes of today's educational professional and we want to provide a solution that makes their jobs easier to do.

We're going to be adding new features and improving the experiences as we move forward, so we would love to hear your feedback. We need to know what is working and what's not. We also need to know what features you'd like see added.

We believe 100% in Grades.io and we want to make it the best experience possible. Thank you for helping us make that happen.


The Grades.io Team

网站说明:Grades.io(GRADES)于2018-11-20 16:13:12发布收录在美国教育类型中,目前已有195人/次喜欢或浏览。本网页并非“Grades.io”官网,页面内容是由好国外网站编录于网络,仅供参考展示之用;【好国外网站】与“Grades.io”无任何关系,对于“在线课堂教学管理平台”网站中信息,请谨慎辨识其真伪。