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更新:2024-07-06 10:41:00


DailyCamera图片  DailyCamera是什么网站?博尔德本地新闻(www.dailycamera.com)是美国的一个权威新闻网站。

DailyCamera:美国博尔德本地新闻网是美国科罗拉多州博尔德市的一个本地新闻网站,主要报道本地重大的新闻、体育新闻、政治经济、生活娱乐等领域的新闻资讯,The Daily Camera成立于1890年9月,最初作为周报发行。


报纸的名字中会有Camera一词,是因为创办人Frederick P. Johnson和 Bert Ball想让这份报纸比当时的其他报纸刊印更多的照片。后来,这个名字被一直保留下来,成为美国报纸行业里一道独特的风景线。

In September 1890, the Camera began as a weekly newspaper. The name Camera was adopted because founders Frederick P. Johnson and Bert Ball had the idea of a publication with more illustrations than most newspapers of that time. The Camera name remains unique among newspaper banners in the United States, if not the world.

On March 17, 1891, the Camera became the Daily Camera a morning daily newspaper. Ball sold his interest in the paper in 1892, and new owners Valentine Butsch and L. C. Paddock joined Johnson in forming The Boulder Publishing Co. It was one of the first incorporations of a newspaper in Colorado. In 1893, Johnson left the Daily Camera and it became a Monday- through-Saturday paper delivered late in the afternoon.

The paper would remain an evening one for more than 85 years. During this time, three generations of the Paddock family owned the Daily Camera and made it an important part of the community. L.C. Paddock was editor and publisher from 1892 until 1940. His son A.A. Paddock joined the staff in 1910 and became editor and publisher in 1940. A.A. s son Laurie Paddock started his career at the Daily Camera as a janitor and eventually succeeded his father as editor in 1960.

The first Sunday edition, making the Camera a seven- day-a-week paper, published Sunday, July 5, 1964. In 1969, the Daily Camera was sold to Ridder Publications. Ridder merged with Knight a few years later, making the Camera one of many newspapers owned by the Knight-Ridder media chain. It became a morning paper again on April 1, 1981.

The last 19 years have marked an era of rapid growth and change. In July 1991, the Broomfield Enterprise was purchased. In September 1996, the Camera became one of 19 Knight-Ridder newspapers on the Web when BoulderNews.com made its debut. The site, which eventually changed its name to DailyCamera.com, got more than 4,500 hits on its opening day.

On July 26, 1997, the Camera was traded by Knight- Ridder to The E. W. Scripps Company, owner of Denver s Rocky Mountain News.

In January 2001, the Department of Justice approved the Joint Newspaper Operating Agreement for Denver- based MediaNews Group s Denver Post and The E. W. Scripps Company s Rocky Mountain News.

In September 2005, the Camera added to its family of products with the purchase of the Colorado Daily and Women s Magazine.

In February 2006, MediaNews Group and the E. W. Scripps Company announced the formation of Prairie Mountain Publishing, the umbrella organization for the Camera as well as the Broomfield Enterprise, Colorado Daily, Estes Park Trail-Gazette and seven newspapers serving the East Colorado plains as well as a multitude of niche and Web products.

In February 2009, MediaNews Group and Scripps dissolved the Joint Operating Agreement in Denver and the Rocky Mountain News published its last edition on Friday, Feb. 27 of that year. On Aug. 27, 2009, MediaNews Group took over full ownership of the Camera. After more than 40 years, ownership was back in local hands.

During the course of our long history, we ve been owned by entrepreneurs, families and corporations. But the truth of the matter is, our heart and soul have always belonged to you. We were, are and will always be your source for local news and advertising information.

Over the years we ve woven Boulder and Broomfield counties issues, events, politics and human stories into the fabric of our pages. Our mission is the same today as it s always been: To deliver essential, informed and relevant news to our readers.

网站说明:DailyCamera(DAILYCAMERA)于2016-09-13 18:18:46发布收录在美国新闻类型中,目前已有197人/次喜欢或浏览。本网页并非“DailyCamera”官网,页面内容是由好国外网站编录于网络,仅供参考展示之用;【好国外网站】与“DailyCamera”无任何关系,对于“美国博尔德本地新闻网”网站中信息,请谨慎辨识其真伪。