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更新:2024-07-06 12:02:21


DeveloperAuction图片  DeveloperAuction是什么网站?程序员竞拍式求职招聘平台(developerauction.com)是美国的一家知名商业网站。



程序员提交自己的简历申请加入,然后选择自己喜欢的几家公司同时进行在线面试。而寻找程序员的公司则需要在两周时间内竞拍这位程序员,最后程序员可以在给出 offer 的公司中选择自己最满意的那家。签约成功后,程序员需要给 Developer Auction 支付一笔签约费。


Developer Auction除了拍卖设计师的模式外,还提供实习生的招聘机会,不同的是,实习生的招聘是免费的。免费的实习生招聘无疑是一个巨大的机会,不仅因为很多斯坦福和 MIT 的学生在大学期间就希望去一些小型创业公司实习,很多创业公司也能借此尽早地发现技术人才,在认可这些实习生的能力后就让他们成为正式雇员。

Developer Auction目前为600多家企业提供了服务,这些企业中不乏大名鼎鼎者如 Twitter 和 Amazon,也有知名度略逊一筹的 Rap Genius,这些条件都让名校学生和设计师们更愿意到这个平台上来寻找自己的首份工作。

Developer Auction was launched in order to disrupt the recruiting industry, and provide a better and more efficient way for talented developers to get exposed to exciting job opportunities at tech companies.

As serial entrepreneurs & software developers, we know that the smartest people are already employed, and that they receive numerous pitches every month from recruiters and prospective employers that often go ignored due to the enormous amount of time that it would take to interview and negotiate with each company. We thought - "there has to be a better way".

By reversing the funnel, and having a curated list of companies submit indicative offers based on work history & experience, we hope to shorten the hiring cycle, maximize efficiency and create transparency in a market that is currently anything but. To go a step further, we even offer developers 20% cash back ($3000-$6000+) when they get hired through our platform while assigning them dedicated Talent Advocates to help them every step of the way.

网站说明:DeveloperAuction(DEVELOPERAUCTION)于2014-06-25 09:18:38发布收录在美国商业类型中,目前已有191人/次喜欢或浏览。本网页并非“DeveloperAuction”官网,页面内容是由好国外网站编录于网络,仅供参考展示之用;【好国外网站】与“DeveloperAuction”无任何关系,对于“程序员竞拍式求职招聘平台”网站中信息,请谨慎辨识其真伪。