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更新:2024-07-06 08:09:22


美国ZipCar汽车租赁服务平台图片  美国ZipCar汽车租赁服务平台是什么网站?(www.zipcar.com)是美国的一家领先汽车网站。



进入Zipcar的网站,你可以清晰地看到他们对客户群的划分:个人、商业用户、大学。Zipcar的客户主要是年轻的、受过良好教育的城市居民。于是 Zipcar先从地区人口数据进行调查,然后到客户居住密集的地区集中与他们接触,用区域营销进行一点一滴地渗透。毕竟,与其在报纸和电视广告大量投入资 金,还不如直接面对客户实施营销活动。另外Zipcar还通过Facebook和Twitter等新兴社交媒体收集会员反馈,改善客户体验,并推广自己品 牌。


ZipCar拥有强大的后援技术服务系统,互联网,RFID技术是核心的技术。会员卡就是一个RFID(俗称为电子标签)。ZipCar的每辆车都安装了一个镶入式的系统监控器,一边用于和会员卡信息对接,一边用于动态掌握汽车的 即时状态。ZipCar的中央IT系统租用了北美境内最大的移动运营商之一Cingular的无线网络,这样会员卡和汽车监控器就能通过这套无线网络,把一切信息在ZipCar和每辆汽车之间进行即时的同步交换。

It's been more than a decade since our founders sat in a café and decided to bring the European car-sharing idea to North America. Once the wheels were in motion, it was only a matter of time before some major changes helped grow a little car-sharing company into the world's leading car-sharing network. Today, thanks to cool technology, a member-driven user experience, and an amazing team of hands-on car sharing enthusiasts, we are redefining the way this generation thinks about alternative transportation.

Car sharing seems like a simple enough idea, but there's a reason that Zipcar has become the leader for cars on demand—we took a simple concept to new heights. It's not just about fewer cars, less congestion and less pollution (though we're not complaining), it's about understanding why those things are a problem, and finding sustainable solutions. We're idea people acknowledging that this is something bigger than all of us, something that can take over the world (literally) if we're smart about it. And it's not just a theory. We have the industry's gold standard service, allowing our members 24/7 access to thousands of cars around the globe. We're working daily to take things to the next level, and we're not slowing down anytime soon.

网站说明:美国ZipCar汽车租赁服务平台(ZIPCAR)于2020-06-19 13:17:16发布收录在美国汽车类型中,目前已有240人/次喜欢或浏览。本网页并非“美国ZipCar汽车租赁服务平台”官网,页面内容是由好国外网站编录于网络,仅供参考展示之用;【好国外网站】与“美国ZipCar汽车租赁服务平台”无任何关系,对于“”网站中信息,请谨慎辨识其真伪。