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更新:2024-07-06 12:15:48


Joyus图片  Joyus是什么网站?美妆时尚视频导购平台(www.joyus.com)是美国的一个免费购物网站。

Joyus:美妆时尚视频导购平台是一个通过将流媒体视频与美妆时尚相结合,Joyus 为消费者提供一种先看再买的引导模式来进行购物的平台。


Joyus联手知名时尚品牌为用户带来优质的产品展示视频,同时引导他们作出最终购买决定。 另外Joyus 还效仿了创意商品闪购服务 Fab 的限时折扣模式,以期让消费者更容易作出决策。当然用户还可以通过一键分享按钮将这些商品分享至包括 Facebook、Google+ 或 Twitter 等社交网站上。

当用户观赏产品视频时,Joyus 能够估算出最终销售收入,并利用在线视频驱动销售的数据创造出第一份投资回报列表。Joyus 公布的最新报告显示,用户每观看一次视频,Joyus 平均便可以给合作伙伴带去47到93美分的收入;若换算为大单位的话,这意味着每1000次的视频观看就可以为品牌公司带来470美元到930美元的直接销售收入。相比传统的购物网站,Joyus 的访客转化率为5.15倍。目前,Joyus 的主要盈利模式为向商家提供销售工具然后获得分成。

Welcome to Joyus, a brand new online shopping experience to help you discover and buy the things you'll love.

Our purpose at Joyus is to help delight and transform your shopping experience by harnessing the power of video. Each week our amazing curators share their special apparel, beauty and lifestyle finds with you and then show you how to make them work for you. Each item is available for sale for a limited time through our exclusive video sales platform, making it easy for you to buy the things you love. You can also easily share these videos with your friends on Facebook and Twitter with just a simple click.

Whether it's uncovering the latest trends, bringing our favorite brands with you, or solving a dilemma - all our video sales share one thing in common. We believe that sharing our authentic passion and finds with you is the key to creating a truly Joyus shopping experience online.

网站说明:Joyus(JOYUS)于2016-01-28 06:15:36发布收录在美国购物类型中,目前已有218人/次喜欢或浏览。本网页并非“Joyus”官网,页面内容是由好国外网站编录于网络,仅供参考展示之用;【好国外网站】与“Joyus”无任何关系,对于“美妆时尚视频导购平台”网站中信息,请谨慎辨识其真伪。