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更新:2024-07-03 21:55:02


LawDingo图片  LawDingo是什么网站?在线法律咨询平台(www.lawdingo.com)是美国的一个权威生活网站。

LawDingo:在线法律咨询平台是一个帮助用户寻找在线法律咨询和找律师的平台,目前已经有超过 450 名律师将自己放到线上,用户可以根据情况来筛选你所需要寻找的律师。


在 Lawdingo 上,用户可以基于律师的专长、所在地浏览寻找律师。根据律师的价位、是否有空、资历等排序,各个律师的简历、长相甚至空余时间都会跃然网上。如果你找到合适的律师,你就可以根据对方时间来做会面安排。而如果律师有空可以通话,你还可以当即按下通话按钮,和他进行线上沟通,看看这个律师是不是真的合你心意。够幸运的话,你还能找到一些律师在这个网站上提供免费的法律咨询。

Lawdingo connects people with attorneys for initial virtual legal consultations online. We aggregate the credentials, availability, and contact information of hundreds of participating attorneys across America in order to provide consumers with a single interface through which they can find and talk to the specific lawyers relevant to their legal needs.

The legal profession is undergoing an evolution in which consumers expect their legal needs to be served with convenience and affordability instead of the traditionalism and formality that characterized the industry's past. Lawdingo is the single company driving this evolution at full speed ahead, using every bit of applicable, available technology.

On Lawdingo, people indicate their legal need as well as their state, and can connect with a lawyer by email, appointment, phone or video chat right through the platform, immediately. Attorneys may offer any amount of time for free to get to know the client, and thereafter the attorney client relationship may continue as a paid consultation, with payments facilitated by Lawdingo, or as a transactional or long-term relationship taken outside Lawdingo. Lawyers get the flexibility of setting their own schedule and their own fees, and consumers gain a level of convenience, simplicity and transparency that was never before possible.

网站说明:LawDingo(LAWDINGO)于2020-01-03 10:11:08发布收录在美国生活类型中,目前已有172人/次喜欢或浏览。本网页并非“LawDingo”官网,页面内容是由好国外网站编录于网络,仅供参考展示之用;【好国外网站】与“LawDingo”无任何关系,对于“在线法律咨询平台”网站中信息,请谨慎辨识其真伪。