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更新:2024-07-04 01:10:43


WorldTV图片  WorldTV是什么网站?互联在线视频平台(worldtv.com)是美国的视频网站。




WorldTV的产品可实现视频播放器的外观和操作方式的个性定制、品牌推广和EPG(电子节目指南),同时也可运行Google Adsense和其他类型的视频广告。从这个方面可以说WorldTV是针对B2B设计的,不过针对普通消费者的免费版也将一并提供。

WorldTV is an entirely new concept in the world of web video. Many years in the making, it realizes a long term vision to empower anyone, anywhere to become their own media mogul.

WorldTV represents the next generation in online video. With millions of video clips now online, the Library is finally in place to empower anyone to mix their tastes into a powerful web TV concept. In the near future those channels will appear on TV.

Not everyone is a video creator, but with WorldTV you can be a video curator. With WorldTV, you can curate your own full-screen web TV channel in seconds. You can then embed your channel in other websites, share updates to your channel via Twitter and Facebook, and brand and promote your channel to a global audience of millions.

网站说明:WorldTV(WORLDTV)于2018-01-28 16:02:09发布收录在美国视频类型中,目前已有242人/次喜欢或浏览。本网页并非“WorldTV”官网,页面内容是由好国外网站编录于网络,仅供参考展示之用;【好国外网站】与“WorldTV”无任何关系,对于“互联网在线视频平台”网站中信息,请谨慎辨识其真伪。