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更新:2024-07-08 16:00:10


WatchKnowLearn图片  WatchKnowLearn是什么网站?儿童教育视频(watchknowlearn.org)是美国的一家知名教育网站。





为实现这个目标,Watchknowlearn邀请教师、教员和教育工作者推荐能被收录至目录的视频,然后采用维基框架和理念,对那些视频进行审核和批准,并对其进行恰当分类。这些视频是从万维网上找到的最优质视频,涵盖小学到中学(或 1-18 岁)的所有主要教育主题,而且儿童观看绝对安全!

WatchKnowLearn 已收录超过 20,000 个教育视频,将其整理成一个包含 3,000 多个类别的目录。这些视频每周七天、每天二十四小时免费提供给授课教师和在家学生,而无需任何注册费用。用户可以自由浏览Watchknowlearn的创新目录,或按照科目和年龄段进行搜索。为确保效用,视频标题、说明、年龄段和评分都得到编辑。


To provide a world-class, online domain on which educators can store, categorize, and rate the best, K – 12 educational videos on the Internet today. And to make this service FREE so teachers, parents and students everywhere may have access to those videos.

To make this a reality, we invite teachers, instructors and educators to suggest videos for inclusion into our directory, and then to review, approve, and assign those videos into appropriate categories using a wiki framework and philosophy. The videos are the highest quality found on the Internet, cover all major educational topics from elementary to secondary schools (or age range 1 – 18), and are Kid Safe because they are vetted by teachers.

网站说明:WatchKnowLearn(WATCHKNOWLEARN)于2019-09-13 01:39:53发布收录在美国教育类型中,目前已有198人/次喜欢或浏览。本网页并非“WatchKnowLearn”官网,页面内容是由好国外网站编录于网络,仅供参考展示之用;【好国外网站】与“WatchKnowLearn”无任何关系,对于“儿童教育视频网”网站中信息,请谨慎辨识其真伪。