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更新:2024-10-05 10:10:49


TomfishBurne图片  TomfishBurne是什么网站?营销漫画调研(tomfishburne.com)是美国的一个优质动漫网站。

TomfishBurne:营销漫画调研网是由Tom Fishburne创办的通过漫画的方式来读解市场营销原理,他的漫画影响了数十万读者,同时也被华尔街日报、福布斯、纽约时报等知名媒体刊登发表。


Tom Fishburne started drawing cartoons on the backs of Harvard Business School cases. His cartoons have grown by word of mouth to reach 100,000 business readers each week and have been featured by the Wall Street Journal, Fast Company, Forbes, and the New York Times.

Tom is the Founder and CEO of Marketoon Studios, a content marketing studio that helps businesses such as Unilever, O2, Kronos, Baynote, Rocketfuel, and the Wall Street Journal reach their audiences with cartoons.

Tom is a frequent keynote speaker on innovation, marketing, and creativity, using cartoons, case studies, and marketing career to tell the story visually. The Huffington Post ranked his South-By-Southwest (SXSW) talk the third best of the conference out of 500.

Tom draws from 16 years in the marketing and innovation trenches. Tom was a VP at Method Products, named the 16th most innovative company in the world by Fast Company. Over five years with Method, Tom launched new products, led marketing, and started the European business from scratch. He has led brands at Nestle and General Mills, developed web sites for interactive agency iXL, and helped launch the first English-language magazine in Prague.

网站说明:TomfishBurne(TOMFISHBURNE)于2014-10-13 20:53:19发布收录在美国动漫类型中,目前已有222人/次喜欢或浏览。本网页并非“TomfishBurne”官网,页面内容是由好国外网站编录于网络,仅供参考展示之用;【好国外网站】与“TomfishBurne”无任何关系,对于“营销漫画调研网”网站中信息,请谨慎辨识其真伪。