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更新:2024-07-03 20:12:43


WhiteHouseDossier图片  WhiteHouseDossier是什么网站?白宫博客(www.whitehousedossier.com)是美国的一个免费博客网站。

WhiteHouseDossier:美国白宫博客官方是由老道的白宫记者基斯(Keith Koffler)负责编写的完全独立而未被完全授权的博客网站。该网站是白宫新闻资讯、美国政治评论和分析的极具特色的混合体,语言幽默诙谐,发扬了新闻业的传统使命——报道的权力。




White House Dossier, written by veteran White House reporter Keith Koffler, is the only 24/7, totally independent, and fully unauthorized White House news website. It delivers a unique blend of White House reporting, commentary and analysis – with frequent doses of humor and satire – to carry forward journalism’s traditional mission of holding the powerful to account. The website focuses mainly on President Obama, his administration, and his antagonists.

Award winning journalist Keith Koffler has 16 years of experience covering Washington. As a reporter for CongressDaily, National Journal magazine, and Roll Call, Keith wrote primarily from the White House, covering three presidents and learning as few have the intricacies of the West Wing and the behavior and motivations of its occupants. While mainly stationed at the White House, he also extensively covered Congress and Washington’s lobbyists.

Keith has also written for a variety of other news organizations, including Politico, Reuters, The Daily Caller, and The London Observer and appeared on Fox News, C-Span, Sirius XM’s POTUS radio, and numerous other radio and TV outlets. He currently writes regular opinion columns for Politico.

His work has been referenced in many major domestic and international news outlets, including the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, the BBC, the Washington Post, the London Telegraph, the Daily Mail, National Review the Weekly Standard and the Huffington Post.

Keith is a past winner of the $10,000 Force of Language prize for writing from the publishers of The Atlantic magazine.

网站说明:WhiteHouseDossier(WHITEHOUSEDOSSIER)于2018-01-02 11:20:57发布收录在美国博客类型中,目前已有212人/次喜欢或浏览。本网页并非“WhiteHouseDossier”官网,页面内容是由好国外网站编录于网络,仅供参考展示之用;【好国外网站】与“WhiteHouseDossier”无任何关系,对于“美国白宫博客官方”网站中信息,请谨慎辨识其真伪。