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更新:2024-07-06 09:00:45


Brit.co图片  Brit.co是什么网站?创新生活知识分享平台(www.brit.co)是美国的一个权威生活网站。

Brit.co:创新生活知识分享平台是由一位美丽的女士Brit Morin创办的有关于生活创新理念和产品的生活平台,内容涵盖美食、科技、生活、健康、美容、婚礼、短片拍摄等,使日常生活更简单更有创意。



Brit + Co. 是一个旨在为日常生活提供更多创意为目标的初创公司,用精彩的图文配合,向用户介绍各种用户可自己 DIY 的创意生活小攻略。该公司宣布获得了 630 万美元 A 轮融资,由 Oak Investment Partners 领投。这笔资金将被用于发展 Brit + Co. 用户社区和建立商业平台。Oak Investment Partners 有着相当的投资互联网和零售创业者的经验,包括 Demand Media, Federated Media, Kayak 和 Thrillist Media Group。

Brit + Co. 创始人 Brit Morin 称,在过去的 18 个月中,她的团队花了大量精力来夯实内容基础,现在则开始向社区发展和商业平台的方向转变。这家公司发展迅速,Brit + Co. 比去年同期增长了 11 倍。尽管 Morin 并没有提供具体数字,但是在 1 月份的时候他们曾披露过,自 2011 年成立以来,Brit + Co. 的网站已经吸引了超过 300 万的访问量。

Brit + Co. 本是为用户提供创意生活指南的媒体平台,它鼓励人们在现实生活中发挥创造力 DIY,并帮助人们找到在 Brit + Co. 看到的好东西。除了自己平台提供工艺品制作、菜谱和小发明等内容,Brit + Co. 还整合了多家生活方式类媒体的内容。

但 Brit + Co. 的野心并不止于此,依托其以创意 DIY 产品为中心的内容,正在谋求向电商转型,其明确目标是把自己的读者变成产品的消费者。Brit + Co.在线商店的商品突然增加到了几千种。但凡读到的产品,用户都能在上面找到,而且会被导向其它电商平台完成交易,Brit + Co. 则会从中抽成。

接下来 Brit + Co. 会通过积累的交易数据判断哪产品类别需求更大,很可能 Brit + Co. 会增加一批自有品牌的创意商品。至于其自有品牌会不会与社区力量进行整合还未可知,比如像Minted那样利用平台设计师的智慧满足消费者个性化的需求,达到平台和设计师经济上双赢的目的。

Brit + Co. 网站风格上酷似 Pinterest,排版布局也保持了明显的媒体风格,产品都被整理在不同的专题之下。从受众群体上看也跟 Pinterest 有很大的重合性——家庭主妇和爱美女性。

关于Brit Morin的介绍:

My mother will be the first to tell you that I was the last person she thought would ever start a business related to domestic living. I don't blame her.

Growing up, my family didn’t often cook. I was forced to learn how to make the staples - microwaved eggs, pasta, and frozen dinners. Otherwise, we usually ate out because it was easiest. I taught myself how to sew at 16 via trial-and-error, nearly breaking the machine during the process. My first project was a purse made out of empty Capri Sun cartons (one of my biggest teenage accomplishments; and if you are wondering, yes, it was awesome and I got all kinds of compliments). I even taught myself how to french braid my hair at age 9, laying off the side of my bed and crossing strands back and forth until my mom told me it looked right. (It took several weeks of experimentation before we got to that point.) Although I had a cell phone at age 13, there was no Google at that time, so as much as I would have liked to have simply searched online for these types of tutorials, that wasn’t an option.

Once in college, I became enchanted with gadgets and technology and decided to move to Silicon Valley, what I considered and still believe to be the most creative place on the planet. Since then, I've been creating and launching new software products for the past six years. I’ve worked on everything from mobile photo-sharing apps to iTunes to Google Maps. Looking back, it’s quite ironic that I grew up teaching myself domestic skills without the help of Google or YouTube, and then wound up working for Google and YouTube.

网站说明:Brit.co(BRIT)于2015-08-27 18:01:38发布收录在美国生活类型中,目前已有239人/次喜欢或浏览。本网页并非“Brit.co”官网,页面内容是由好国外网站编录于网络,仅供参考展示之用;【好国外网站】与“Brit.co”无任何关系,对于“创新生活知识分享平台”网站中信息,请谨慎辨识其真伪。