Joseph Conard 约瑟夫·康拉德
Paul Cezanne 塞尚
画家 20岁以后才开始画家生涯;
JK Rowling J·K·罗琳 《哈利波特》
作家 23岁时还在当老师;
Rocky Marciano 洛基
拳击手(生涯全胜) 25岁才首次出赛职业拳击赛;
Vincent Van Gogh 梵谷
画家 27岁后才开始画家生涯 ;
Alan Rickman 艾伦·瑞克曼
演员 28岁前还没拿到任何电影角色;
Reid Hoffman 里德·霍夫曼
美国企业家 30岁创立首间公司;
SocialNet.com Vera Wang 婚纱设计师
Martha Stewart 玛莎·史都华
居家装潢师 35岁时从地下室起家,开始居家装潢事业;
Julia Child 茱莉亚·柴尔德
法国厨师 30岁以前对法国料理一无所知;
Dave McClure 天使投资者
Momofuku Ando 安藤百福
Grandma Moses 摩西奶奶
画家 78岁前都是拿针线刺绣,不是拿画笔画画;
Fauja Singh 马拉松选手
Funders and Founders, a team that creates inspiring entrepreneurship infographics, has unveiled their latest piece – an infographic illustrating famous late bloomers who learned the things that they became famous for far later in their lives than most.Illustrator Anastasia Borko and Funders and Founders co-founder Anna Vital created this piece to encourage those who think that they’re too old to start their lives anew or that not knowing what to do with your life up until now may prevent them from achieving anything. J.K. Rowling, Vincent Van Gogh, Julia Child, and other inspiring examples prove that what you really need is to stop counting your years and never stop pursuing your dreams, even if you don’t quite know what they are yet.