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类型: 英语阅读 已浏览: 351

发布:2022-02-22 04:30:38 更新:2024-05-17 15:04:39






考古学家曾在伊拉克的耶莫遗址中发现了大约公元前6750年的种子遗存。也许从那时起,人类就知道了保存种子是来年收成的重要保障。但是在全球范围内系统地整理并保存种子却只有短短近百年的历史。上世纪20年代,自幼生活在粮食短缺状况下的俄国植物学家尼可莱·瓦维洛夫(Nikolay Vavilov)开始在全球范围内搜集各种不同的农作物种子,希望通过自己的努力,解决俄国乃至全世界的粮食问题。


Deep inside a mountain on the freezing remote Norwegian island archipelago of Svalbard, halfway between mainland Norway and the North Pole, is the Svalbard Global Seed Vault.

A fail-safe, state-of-the-art seed storage facility, built to stand the test of time and all possible natural or man-made disasters. The purpose of the vault is to store frozen duplicates (back ups) of all seed samples from the world’s crop collections, making the vault the ultimate insurance policy for the world’s food supply.

Often called the “Doomsday” Seed Vault, the Svalbard Seed Vault is the world’s insurance policy against botanical disasters, so that food production can be restarted anywhere on the planet following a regional or global catastrophe.

That vault totally looks like something out of a James Bond movie, and I for one feel very reassured to know it’s there. I want no part of any post-apocalyptic dystopia that does not have whole grains for my much beloved Cheerios.
