1.Have the reputation of being gracious。 让你的乐善好施众口皆碑
It is the chief glory of the high and mighty to be gracious, a prerogative of kings to conquer universal goodwill. 对于位高权重者,乐善好施是其成就没命最需要的品质,懂得乐善好施的君主,一定会得到人民的爱戴。
gracious a.亲切的,和蔼的 [ˈgreɪʃəs] goodwill n.友好,亲善,好感,青睐 [ˌɡʊd'wɪl]
That is the great advantage of a comanding position-to be able to do more good than others. Those make friends who do friendly acts. 这也是出于高位的人拥有的一项优势---可以比其他人做更多的善事,他们交的朋友也都会是此类中人。
On the other hand, there are some who lay themselves out for not being gracious, not on account of the difficulty, but a bad disposition. 反观另一种人,他们对施予嗤之以鼻,这并不是因为他们做好事有什么困难的地方,而是因为他们生来就性格怪异。
disposition n.性情,性格,意向 [ˌdɪspəˈzɪʃn]
In all things are the opposite of Divine grace. 无论他们做什么事,都无法沐浴众神的光辉和保佑,注定悲惨一世。
2.Know your strongest point 了解你的特长
Know your strongest point-your preeminent gift; cultivate that and you will assist the rest. 特长是每个人独有的优势,挖掘自己的特长来取长补短,使自己百尺竿头更进一步。
preeminent a.卓越的,杰出的 [prɪ'emɪnənt] assist v.帮助,援助 [ə'sɪst]
Everyone would have excelled in something if he had known his strong point. 只要了解自己的强项,每个人都能有所作为。
Notice in what quality you surpass, and take charge of that . 时刻关注自己所擅长的事情,并且完全控制它。
surpass v.超过,优于,胜过 [sə'pɑ:s]
In some judgment excels, in others valour. 有些人擅长判断,推理,有些人具备过人的勇气。
valour n.勇猛,英勇 [ˈvælə(r)]
Most do violence to their natural aptitude, and thus attain superiority in nothing. 但是大多数人都会过度运用自己的天分,最终得不偿失。
aptitude n.才能,资质,天资 [ˈæptɪtju:d]
Time disillusionises us too late of what first flattered the passions. 时间是最理智的判官,我们最初因热情和冲动而点燃的火花,终将在他的审视下消寂无声。