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Sketch Basketball 动感切水果漫画艺术

类型: 插画集 已浏览: 205

发布:2017-07-11 21:24:26 更新:2024-09-29 11:25:25

艺术家们通常都喜欢那食物来做创作,来自于土耳其的Sketch Basketball创作了一组漫画中的人物与食物的组合,例如且水果、对抗工具等,让你在闲暇之余娱乐一把。

Is being busy your excuse not to discover your inner-self? Then meet Korhan Erçin. He is a cartoonist, writer and department manager at the same time.You may, wonder how he finds spare time for preparing his food but we definitely know that he knows how to use them in his art.
