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Kelly Smith 女性时尚肖像插画集

类型: 插画集 已浏览: 211

发布:2016-01-21 11:39:42 更新:2024-09-29 11:39:16

来自于澳大利亚的插画师Kelly Smith一直致力于时尚项目的创作,Kelly Smith从塔斯马尼亚学院毕业后就喜欢创作时尚类的插画,所有的作品都点缀自然和象征性的元素,如花卉、头骨、鸟类等,有些作品也采用了超现实风格。

Tasmania, Australia based freelance illustrator Kelly Smith has been working on fashion projects since her education of Fine Art from The Tasmanian School of Art. Her latest works here are series of chic fashion and beauty illustrations. The portraits are often embellished with natural and symbolic elements like flowers, skull, birds, etc.. Some of pieces are portrayed in some surreal style.
