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Soleil Ignacio 时尚复古女性人物插画集

类型: 插画集 已浏览: 181

发布:2016-12-19 23:33:55 更新:2024-07-04 01:56:57

来自于菲律宾的自由职业插画师Soleil Ignacio毕业于菲律宾大学,并获得视觉传播学士学位,她的作品集合了时尚和复古、梦幻三种特点,把女性人物塑造成拥有强烈美感的艺术作品。

Soleil Ignacio is a fashion & beauty freelancer illustrator from Manila, Philippines. She graduated from the University of the Philippines with a Bachelor’s degree in Visual Communication. Soleil’s works combine stylish feminine figures with retro, fantasy elements, presenting a strong expressive effect.
