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Kyson Dana 动物字母插画作品集

类型: 插画集 已浏览: 206

发布:2017-11-10 05:20:38 更新:2024-09-29 11:27:25

Kyson Dana 是一位品牌设计师,擅长于创作故事、品牌类的创意插画,鉴于孩子的出生,他每天创作一幅用字母来标识的动物插画,例如E表示大象,F表示为狐狸,H表示为鹰,这样积少成多以后就成为一部孩子认识字母的书籍。

After having a baby in summer of 2014 I decided that it was time I broke free of my boring web design career and started drawing. I began with the letter ‘A’ and drew an Armadillo and with one drawing per day I made my way through the entire alphabet.

I wanted to create something new for my son, something that he could someday look at and be proud of his dad. I was so sick of looking at terribly illustrated baby books that decided it was time to create my own artwork that I could compile into an alphabet book.

In order to accomplish my goal of one illustration per day, I challenged my friend and fellow illustrator to post our latest drawings on Instagram every day before midnight with #SketchAZduel. What ensued turned out far better than expected.
