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Thomas Lamadieu 都市生活狂想曲插画艺术

类型: 插画集 已浏览: 189

发布:2017-01-24 16:56:56 更新:2024-07-04 03:35:21

来自于法国的插画师Thomas Lamadieu 喜欢创作天马行空的艺术作品,他把通过拍摄好的建筑物招聘转化为可以进行创作的画布,添加上有趣的插画作品,人们看到的作品就是每一幅图片都是向上看,里面有一些卡通人物造型,犹如在自己的后花园盲目。

Illustrator Thomas Lamadieu looks at blank space and fill it in with imagination. The French artist, previously featured here and here, is back with more whimsical drawings of imaginary sky inhabitants. Lamadieu takes photos of the tops of buildings and transforms them with his own creative touches, turning the patches of sky into habitats for a host of fanciful creatures.

Lamadieu’s characters look like sailors, fortune tellers and wise, weathered gypsies. They peek through the tops of buildings and curl up in blank spaces as if the skyline is the most comfortable habitat on earth.

Perhaps Lamadieu’s art resonates because he tilts cityscape perspectives into surprising angles, helping us look at familiar sights in a new way. It’s interesting to note that the artist likes to keep his craft surprisingly low tech. He still turns to Microsoft Paint to create his drawings.
