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Lynton Levengood 龙的世界概念艺术集

类型: 插画集 已浏览: 223

发布:2014-12-18 10:07:07 更新:2024-09-29 11:42:34

来自南非的概念艺术家Lynton Levengood 从小就喜欢幻想的艺术和故事,尤其是喜欢龙,于是他根据自己的想法创造了各式各样的龙的造型,东方龙和西方龙虽然有很大的出入,不过都是文化背景导致,下面看看西方龙的造型吧。

I am an artist from South Africa. I grew up loving fantasy art and stories. The dragons that inhabited them always felt like the most imposing of characters. I loved imagining what they would look like. I try work humor into my work as much as I can, there is so much inspiration out there.

Cats and dogs inspire me with the funny things they do, old sayings and jokes, even the news. It really makes me happy to see people smile, both young and old as they look through the modern dragons.
