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Damon Hellandbrand 噩梦级十二星座插画集

类型: 插画集 已浏览: 232

发布:2015-05-03 00:05:34 更新:2024-09-29 11:38:21

Damon Hellandbrand 噩梦级十二星座插画集,来自美国的艺术家达蒙用他的画笔诠释了新的十二星座的样子,堪称是噩梦级的怪物,他的创作灵感来自于像拉尔夫·麦奎里和鲍里斯·巴列霍这样的艺术家。

Just because a character has been around forever doesn’t mean there aren’t new ways to reimagine it. Damon Hellandbrand, a talented artist based in the U.S., has created a series of images that portray the symbols of the zodiac as twisted, surreal creatures straight out of a nightmarish realm.

Hellandbrand does much of his art with various digital illustration programs, but some are born as pencil drawings or watercolors – or basically whatever medium I’m in the mood for. He writes that he is inspired by artists like Ralph McQuarrie, Boris Vallejo and Frank Frazetta, and it’s easy to imagine that Guillermo Del Toro might number among his influences as well. Read on for Hellandbrand’s answers to Bored Panda’s questions about his work!
