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DAVID ZINN 让城市充满艺术感的街头绘画

类型: 插画集 已浏览: 197

发布:2014-03-06 19:57:17 更新:2024-09-29 13:24:50

DAVID ZINN 让城市充满艺术感的街头绘画,DAVID ZINN是美国密歇根州安娜堡的一位插画艺术家,他一直坚持着点缀城市的艺术项目,那就是用粉笔在城市中的大街小巷中创作自己的街头艺术,自学成才的他从2008年就开始了街头创作。


Do you remember Sluggo, a bright green inhabitant of Ann Arbor, Michigan, we wrote about almost two years ago? Chalk-drawn by a local artist David Zinn, this little fellow has been playing on the streets, peeking out of wall cracks, riding snow waves, and putting smiles on passers-by ever since he first appeared in 2008.

Self-taught David Zinn uses simple colored chalks and always improvises on location “while simultaneously sneaking “pointless” art into the world at large.” Besides drawing, Zinn has taught creative writing and scenic painting, performed in and directed several operas, recorded audiobooks, and hosted children’s radio shows.
