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Laura Jenkinson 趣味化妆师嘴型化妆艺术集

类型: 艺术集 已浏览: 209

发布:2016-01-07 12:40:10 更新:2024-10-05 10:55:31

自从Laura Jenkinson 在Instagram网站上发布了自己的趣味化妆作品以后受到了众多粉丝的喜爱,她的创意就是在自己的嘴上熟练的变换各种卡通人物造型,展示了自己的化妆技能和异想天开的创造力,下面一起来欣赏以下吧。

Since we first shared makeup artist Laura Jenkinson's playful lip art last summer, she has continued expand her portfolio of work. Jenkinson expertly transforms her own mouth into those of beloved cartoon characters, displaying both her skills and whimsical creativity. As for how she accomplishes each of her creations, the artist starts out by finding a picture that she likes, holds it up as a guide, and then uses a mirror to draw the chosen caricature onto her face with theatrical makeup and various shades of lipstick.

While her mouth serves as an enlarged version of a cartoon character's lips, her chin and Cupid's bow act as a canvas for the rest of each character's body. Other than the physical application of makeup, Jenkinson also adds a special touch of personality to her images. By pursing her lips or even exposing her teeth, Jenkinson adds an animated liveliness to her lip art.
