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Melissa McCracken 用彩绘表达音乐的艺术

类型: 艺术集 已浏览: 229

发布:2014-06-30 22:56:15 更新:2024-10-05 13:12:12

来自美国密苏里州堪萨斯城的Melissa McCracken是一位喜欢音乐的绘画家,他创作了一组通过油画来展现音乐的艺术作品,他把听到的音乐描述成纹理和颜色,试试看你能不能读懂他的这种艺术创作。

As a synesthete, the music I hear is translated into a flow of texture and colors. Synethesia, although not disorientating, can sometimes leave me at odds trying to describe what I can see to others.Painting in oils and acrylics is a way to express and exhibit the beautiful colors that I see on a day to day basis, whether it’s hearing someone’s name, or that song on the radio. I paint a variety of artists from Led Zeppelin to Stevie Wonder.
