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类型: 艺术集 已浏览: 198

发布:2017-08-30 01:14:39 更新:2024-07-04 04:10:45

很多博物馆是不允许访客们使用照相机拍照留言的,但是位于菲律宾的3D艺术博物馆反其道而行,在这里提倡游客进行互动并拍摄有趣的图片,因为Art paintings are not complete if you are not with them, if you don't take pictures with them。


Most museums don’t like to see their visitors take pictures, some going so far as to charge them for the privilege. But this is not the case at the Art In Island museum in Manila, The Philippines. Here, visitors are encouraged to interact and have fun with the art pieces, taking as many photos as they want. Art paintings are not complete if you are not with them, if you don’t take pictures with them, Blyth Cambaya, the museum’s secretary, told Mashable.

The museum is filled with unique paintings that, when photographed from a certain angle, create optical illusions that make it seem like you’re, for example, stepping out of the painting or being attacked by it.If you are ever in Manila, we encourage you to visit this awesome museum and be a part of their art.
