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Maskull Lasserre 赋予作品生命的雕塑艺术欣赏

类型: 艺术集 已浏览: 185

发布:2018-11-04 19:16:55 更新:2024-07-06 19:12:44

加拿大的Maskull Lasserre是一位年轻的雕塑艺术家,他展示了一组把无生命的物体通过微妙微翘的雕刻艺术赋予了他们生命,通过不同的实物如钢琴、门、书籍根据不同物体的结构来赋予他们不同的生命。

When the remnants of life are imposed on an object, and that’s true especially with the carving work that I do, it infers a past history or a previous life that had been lived, so again where people see my work as macabre, I often see it as hopeful, as the remnants of a life. Despite the fact that the life has ended, at least that life had a beginning and middle as well, so often by imparting these bodily elements to inanimate objects it reclaims or reanimates them in a virtual way.
