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类型: 艺术集 已浏览: 186

发布:2019-01-16 15:15:32 更新:2024-07-06 19:10:08

捕捉看到恐怖事情的人物表情摄影集,由一位加拿大的摄影师,他在过去的四年里拍摄人在受到惊吓的时候最真实的面部标签,人们称之为Nightmares Fear Factory梦魇恐怖工厂。


For the past four years, the brilliantly twisted geniuses at a Canada-based attraction called Nightmares Fear Factory have been running an automatic camera that snaps pictures of spooked people at the perfect moment, a split second after a big scare in the pitch dark. Since it’s a flash, it catches their hysterical reactions.

So for those of us too afraid to enter, we can still laugh at these hilarious conga lines of scared people, clinging to their children, parents, family or friends in sheer terror.
