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Klari Reis的科学艺术画作品集

类型: 艺术集 已浏览: 195

发布:2014-12-31 09:11:30 更新:2024-10-05 13:15:05

Klari Reis,女艺术家,现居旧金山,年少时一次患病,让她偶然在显微镜下见到了自己的血液样本与十几种不同药物发生反应时的状态,从此她开始致力探索科学与艺术的融合。

he Daily Dish 2013是Klari从年初开始的一个项目(2009年她曾创作过一个类似项目,包含365件作品),以培养皿作为画板,每天创作一件作品,在项目博客中更新。她使用非常规的绘画材料,以从建材市场购买的环氧聚合物(epoxy polymer)为主,混合粉末和工业颜料,创作时她会戴着防毒面具身穿防护服。正当你觉得她可能用尽了色彩和创意,她又会推出一件新的绚丽作品,我觉得好像有无限的可能。

Klari uses the creative process in both painting and science as metaphors for one another:for curiosity and exploring and documenting the natural and unnatural world with a sense of wonder and hope.

Currently working in San Francisco,the artist recognizes theat Northern California hosts more life sciences companies than anywhere else in the world.Klari Reis' art work is a product of biological techniques, which provide context for the artworks and explore the increasingly fuzzy line between the technological and the natural.
