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《Follow Me Away》寻找童话世界摄影

类型: 摄影 已浏览: 203

发布:2021-01-30 12:39:57 更新:2024-09-29 13:22:45

《Follow Me Away》 是由一对既喜欢旅游又擅长摄影的夫妇拍摄的一组摄影作品,Victoria Yore 和 Terrence Drysdale通过自己对摄影艺术的理解,他们周游世界来寻找那些童话世界里的场景,到目前为止他们已经周游欧洲九个国家和美国五个州。

Victoria Yore and Terrence Drysdale share a magic-infused perspective through their fine art photography. The model-photographer duo are traveling the world, collecting shots of the magnificent, remote, and dramatic landscapes they encounter. Their photo series, Follow Me Away, is quickly going viral as the pair continue to produce whimsical and often fantastical photographs that appear to be plucked straight from a fairy tale.

According to Yore, the entire project is progressing very organically. The shots are not staged, meaning the poses are unplanned and the lighting and settings are unaltered—the pair simply go out with a camera and a bag of dresses to see what they can come up with.

Natural hair and make-up complement the carefree sentiment of the images, completing the model's look of effortless beauty, as though she were a princess breaking free or a wood nymph running through the forest.

So far, Yore and Drysdale have shot in 9 countries around Europe and 5 US states. Currently in Austria, they continue to update their blog with images and stories about their ongoing adventure.
