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Gabe Tomoiaga:超现实纯真的童年摄影

类型: 摄影 已浏览: 193

发布:2015-06-16 06:10:54 更新:2024-07-04 03:09:11

出生于罗马尼亚的摄影师 Gabe Tomoiaga 为自己的孩子拍摄了一组充满孩子气的超现实主义摄影作品,他把场景构建成了一个冒险世界的环境,让孩子的梦想成真,与狮子、怪物、棕熊为伴等等,处处洋溢着美妙的纯真。

Romanian-born, Seattle-based fine art photographer Gabe Tomoiaga creates surreal worlds of childlike wonder with the help of his three young sons, who both inspire him and bring his artistic visions to life.

Tomoiaga crafts whimsical scenes that depict his children—Landon, Liam, and Lucas, all under the age of four—in the middle of fantastic adventures, whether it involves talking to wild creatures, marveling at life-sized flora, or drifting off into the sky.

Each storybook image, captured through the tender eyes of a loving father and photographer, is imbued with a wonderful sense of innocence and magic that reflects the ages of the subjects.

We had the chance to ask Tomoiaga a few questions about his inspiration and creative process. Scroll down to read that exclusive interview.
