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Victoria Siemer 几何式景观摄影作品集

类型: 摄影 已浏览: 197

发布:2017-06-03 05:56:43 更新:2024-09-21 13:44:43

来自于布鲁克林的平面设计师 Victoria Siemer 擅长于通过拍摄美丽的风景照片来合成优秀的设计作品,同改变空间感知的假象来展现让人流连忘返的精美作品,虚拟与现实完美的结合在一起,将每张平凡的图片编程艺术与情感的超现实作品。

Brooklyn-based graphic designer Victoria Siemer (a.k.a. Witchoria) imagines hauntingly unusual realities by altering ordinary perceptions of space with geometric shapes. Her Geometric Reflections series, which we shared last April, features cut-outs of mirror images suspended over fractured landscapes. Mist-shrouded forests, snow-capped mountains, serene seashores, and glittering cityscapes are fractured by flipped, portal-like shapes, transforming each moody photo into a surreal work of art and emotion.
