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Anna Di Prospero 都市媚影摄影集

类型: 摄影 已浏览: 263

发布:2019-08-18 02:48:10 更新:2024-09-29 15:21:17

来自于的罗马的女摄影师 Anna Di Prospero 拍摄了一组城市建筑与女性人物融合的摄影作品,通过不同的建筑形式搭配不同的人物造型,在空间和视角上描述出大都市生活中的女性人物的复杂心情。

In her Urban Self-Portrait series, Anna di Prospero photographs herself against the backdrop of towering, irregular architectural forms in the middle of sprawling cities. Stretching out on the ground, twisting her body into emotive contortions, or caught in startling states of undress, the Italian photographer appears as the star of unconventional self-portraits that border on the surreal. Stark and eerily devoid of people, except for di Prospero herself, the images transform everyday urban spaces into slices of a sci-fi-esque metropolis fit for the wanderings of a solitary woman.

The Roman-born photographer, who has gained recognition for her unique self-portraits, told Fotografia Magazine, "I think self-portraits are a good way to examine yourself and your relationships with others. A self-portrait forces you to make questions about who you are and admit things to yourself."
